A Trio of 49-Year-Olds (CREDIT: NBC/Screenshot)

Jeff “jmunney” Malone watches every new episode of Saturday Night Live and then reviews all the sketches and segments according to a “wacky” theme.

Congratulations, everybody! We made it to the end of another shenanigan-filled year of Saturday Night Live. The finale of Season 49 was hosted by none other than Jake Gyllenhaal (who will always be “Joe Geronimo” to me), with musical guest duties fulfilled by Sabrina Carpenter, who is also recognized for his acting resume.

For this review, I’ll be assessing each sketch in honor of a frequent SNL guest by asking that eternal question: Would Drew Barrymore Like That?

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Message from Former President Trump Cold Open? No, Drew Barrymore would laugh, but it’s too much rancor.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Jake Gyllenhaal’s Monologue? Of course, Drew Barrymore can’t resist one of our greatest actors singing some Boyz II Men.

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Cookie/Proposal Sketch? A little, she would laugh at the cookie crumbs, but she would be too stressed out by the whole situation.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the Shadow Phantom? Yes, Drew Barrymore would CRACK UP at an absurdly dark scene like this one.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Billy Harper and His Beautiful Girls: Yes, Drew Barrymore would absolutely chuckle at those dockers and cargo shorts.

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Bike Trail Scene? No, Drew Barrymore would rather just go on a hike herself.

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Xiemu Commercial Parody? Drew Barrymore would stare at this wide-eyed in existential terror, so it’s a little hard to say.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Sabrina Carpenter’s Performance of “Espresso”? Yes, Drew Barrymore can’t resist a bubbly pop hit.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Michael and Colin’s Jokes on This Edition of Weekend Update? Yes, Drew Barrymore would be keeled over and clutching her chest during the annual joke swap.
Would Drew Barrymore Like the Two Cicadas Behind the Weekend Update Desk? No, Drew Barrymore would have terrible flashbacks about her own encounters with cicadas.

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Southwest Call? Yes, Drew Barrymore would nod in agreement in between fits of laughter.

Would Drew Barrymore Like Sabrina Carpenter’s Performance of “Feather” and “Nonsense”? Yes, she thinks that shade of pink looks great on her.

Would Drew Barrymore Like A Message from the New York Police Department? Yes, she’s been following the story about Steve Buscemi getting punched with plenty of concern, so she’s glad it’s being addressed.

Would Drew Barrymore Like the Snake Eyes 10-to-1 Sketch? No, Drew Barrymore can’t stand the thought of a child growing up without his father.

Well, that is, as they say, a wrap! I’ll be back in a few months for some wacky thoughts about the Big 5-0. In the meantime, get ready for my season-ending thoughts on the Big 4-9 to arrive in the next week or so.