Entertainment To-Do List: Week of 11/4/22

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Merry Lindsay! (CREDIT: Scott Everett White/Netflix © 2022)

Every week, I list all the upcoming (or recently released) movies, TV shows, albums, podcasts, etc. that I believe are worth checking out.

Something in the Dirt (Theaters)
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (November 4 on The Roku Channel)
Falling for Christmas (November 10 on Netflix) – Merry Christmas from Lindsay Lohan.

Young Rock Season 3 Finale (November 4 on NBC)
Zootopia+ (November 9 on Disney+) – Shorts set in the Zootopia universe.
The Good Fight Series Finale (November 10 on Paramount+)

-Caleb Landry Jones, Gadzooks Vol. 2
-Phoenix, Alpha Zulu

-New York City Marathon (November 6 on ESPN2 and ABC7 locally) –  I ran it last year, but not this year, though my sister’s running again.

Best Movies of the 2010s

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CREDIT: YouTube Screenshots

I love movies.

I love films.

I love flicks.

It was a great time to be alive in the 2010s, as hundreds – thousands, even – of new cinematic offerings were produced and released. How did I manage to condense them down to the most wonderful of the wonderful? I consulted the projector within my mind’s eye and asked, “Did this make a positive, enduring impression on me (and possibly the rest of the world)?” The results of that endeavor are below, along with mentions of moments that I cannot help but declare my love for.


Best Movies of 2016

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CREDIT: YouTube Screenshots

This ranking was originally posted on News Cult in December 2016.

Yes, it’s another best movies of the year list, which you are reading perhaps because you know me personally. Or maybe you don’t know me in the flesh, but you follow my writing and want to keep up with my opinions regardless of how much you agree or disagree with them. Or it could be that you have stumbled upon this article by sheer happenstance. In that case, I shall do best to steer you straight.

Is this list more “right” than any other critic’s? It is certainly correct in the sense that it has come from a place of honesty. I feel enthusiastic about these films, and so I have decided to say to the world, “This is my interpretation. Perhaps you will feel the same.”


10. 10 Cloverfield Lane
An anthology-style cinematic universe grows into itself in its second chapter. Mary Elizabeth Winstead finds herself in a bunker under the iron fist of John Goodman, giving the performance of his career. A drum of acid is even scarier than the monsters supposedly outside. Our pulses adapt to the rhythm of the thrills.


This Is a Movie Review: Zootopia

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With its allegorical approach to stereotype-fueled tension, Zootopia is a lot heavier thematically than audiences might expect an animated family movie to be. But this is nothing new for the genre. Inside Out incorporates cutting-edge neurological research, Happy Feet shines an environmental light, the Toy Story series meditates upon loss, and plenty of others have death – so much death. So perhaps family films should be taken to task if they do not cut deep.

Zootopia sticks out in this field by taking on a topic that is especially charged. Good luck remaining neutral once this cat is out of the bag. Confidence is essential here to achieve success, and that is embodied in our leporine hero Judy Hopps. Her character design – all thumping feet, widening pupils, and perky ears – is all about necessary urgency and perseverance. Ginnifer Goodwin provides the vocal equivalent of all those physical attributes. Jason Bateman as her redeemable fox partner usefully counterpoints with opportunism, while his sympathetic background points to hopefulness.

I give Zootopia 1800 Thumps out of 2000 Sloth Gags.